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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Define Free Time

So I was at dinner the other night with my boyfriend, and at one point in the conversation, I said "When are you going to have some free time?".   "Define free time", he replied.    So I did - "Sex!"    The look on his face was priceless.   He laughed and blushed and we laughed some more, for about 10-15 minutes before he gave me an answer.  ;)  And no, I'm not telling you when.

I'm not quite sure who was more startled though - my boyfriend, or the guy sitting at the table behind us.   Apparently my exclamation wasn't quite as quiet as usual.    But damn - he's been working a lot of hours, we've both been sick for most of the month of March, and much of the free time we *do* get is bits and pieces here and there - a bike ride, meeting up at Best Buy, lunch, or occasionally longer excursions that involve other people - his brother, my brother, his sister, friends, etc.   I enjoy the friendship side of our relationship, don't get me wrong - but sometimes, it's just not enough.

There's a song by a local Seattle songwriter, Amy Roberts, that I love - it has a great line in it "let's have a conversation skin to skin".   That's what I've been missing - the interaction of love that's more than just a kiss.   (Apparently he has, too, as he was lamenting later that he'd promised to work overtime that night.) 

Let the conversation begin!


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